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Updated the mixed exchange. Added a new iron sight for the Honey Badger Danger. Added a new iron sight for the L85 Destruction. Le 22 novembre , Infestation: Accueil Discussions Workshop Marché Diffusions. The New Z - Staff Team.
Nom: infestation the newz
Format: Fichier D'archive
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Licence: Usage Personnel Seulement
Taille: 40.45 MBytes

Added a new iron sight for the Honey Badger Red Dragon. These pistol bullets can then continue to be used to craft pistol or sub-machine gun ammo. Könnt mich gerne adden. Outre les trois modes de jeu différents et distincts, The New Z est infeztation sur la base des commentaires de notre communauté avec des mises à jour et changements très réguliers. Increased the price of the "Reflex Sight" from to The New Z Page du magasin. Cet article est une ébauche concernant le jeu vidéo.

Survivor Stories ferme ses serveurs après 4 ans d'activité, le jeu a été repris par un infestztion indépendant Fredaikis [ 1 ]. Added a new media Riot Neqz Cet article ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources juin Added a new skin for the K.

This will give 10x HG Infestationn. Patch is rolling out as we speak. For some reason players were able to craft this skinned version of this armor.

Infestation : The New Z

Added a new crafting recipe for the Saiga 10 Mag. Updated the store icon of the Fire Axe. Added a new box called: Updated the general brick texture used in most buildings in the game to a better and more realistic texture. You need 13 HG bullets and 1 empty thr clip to craft this. We are not releasing these skins just yet but we'd like to share them already.

infestation the newz

To tip it off there is a chance a "Toxic Lnfestation Zombie" spawns in this area. Changed infeatation terrain quality on low and medium quality. This is the first version of the new radiation zones and a lot will be tweaked a long the way. Added a new iron sight for the Honey Badger Red Dragon.

For more information about the weekend infestatipn go to: They ended up losing this already skinned armor when re-logging. This item will be relatively rare and can be found in military areas and inside airdrop containers.

Nouveau FPS pas nouveau : Infestation : The New Z | NoFrag

Added a new melee variant for the "fire axe" called: Updated New Z reputation table. This item will be a main component to craft drum type ammo. Added a new item called: Style Helmet variant standalone item that has a gas mask attached. Updated the model of the spray box as it was causing issues for players when this item was dropped in a server. This item will be a main component to craft SMG ammo. Added a new clan Riot Shield: This is done to prevent all the abuse and issues players have been reporting recently.

Infestation : The New Z () - Jeu vidéo - SensCritique

This can vary between 3 and 5 players max. Mewz sources sont attendues?

Added a new iron sight for the M4 King of the Sea. Suche noch ein paar deutsche Mitspieler für den offiziellen Server zum looten und auf Spielerjagt zu gehen. For now you need infestwtion metal, 2 nails and 4 leather to craft 1x Armor Infetation. Removed infestatiom unused skin recipe icons from the game files. Once again thank you for your great support!

infestation the newz

Survivor Stories se joue à la première personne et troisième personne.


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